Weekend Lector Guidelines - September 2021 Update
Lectors, please review and reflect upon readings prior to Mass. Use your workbook (available in the Rectory). You can listen to podcast at: https://bible.usccb.org/podcasts/audio
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass, and let the Mass Coordinator know that you are the (First or Second) Lector for the Mass.
The First Lector reviews the Prayer of the Faithful and Announcements for the Mass. They are placed in a plastic sleeve on the shelf of the ambo.
At this time, there are no processions involving lectors or EMs; the Lectionary is placed on the ambo before Mass begins.
Currently, face coverings are required of all liturgical ministers, except when speaking at the ambo or when receiving Holy Communion. Please use an alcohol wipe to sanitize the ambo microphone (canister available under ambo shelf) between different users.
The First Lector may choose to sit in the congregation or at the lector’s chair behind the ambo from the beginning of the Mass.
The altar represents Christ. The general rule is to make a reverence to the altar in the form of a profound bow (from the waist) every time the lector enters or exits the sanctuary, or walks in front of the altar during Mass. The exception would be in a procession when the lector is carrying the Book of the Gospels.
Where to stand while making the profound bow to the altar: either (1) directly in front of the altar (center aisle of the church before ascending the stairs to the sanctuary) or (2) at the ambo, if the lector is coming from the chair behind the ambo – (turning to face the altar, making the reverence, and then turning to the ambo to begin the reading).
First Lector –
After the Collect (opening prayer), as the priest sits, approach and make the reverence to the altar (as noted above), then proceed to the ambo.
Make eye contact with parishioners, announcing the reading (e.g., “A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah”), pause, read the First Reading, pause, and reestablish eye contact before concluding: “THE WORD OF THE LORD.”
Read slowly and deliberately so that each word is heard.
If you are the only Lector, you will sit in the chair behind the ambo during the Responsorial Psalm (except during 7:30 AM Mass, when the First Lector also reads the Responsorial Psalm). No additional reverence to the altar is necessary until you are about to exit the sanctuary after the Second Reading.
If there is a Second Lector, at the end of the Responsorial Psalm, rise and proceed to the location directly in front of the altar to meet the Second Lector, make the reverence to the altar side-by-side with the Second Lector, then return to your seat in the congregation.
Second Lector –
At the end of the Responsorial Psalm, rise and meet the First Lector in the location directly in front of the altar, make the reverence to the altar side-by-side with the First Lector, then proceed to the ambo.
Make eye contact with parishioners, announcing the reading (e.g., “A reading from the Acts of the Apostles”), pause, read the Second Reading, pause, and reestablish eye contact before concluding: “THE WORD OF THE LORD.”
Read slowly and deliberately so that each word is heard.
Then return to your seat in the congregation, making the reverence to the altar as you exit the sanctuary. If the priest rises for the Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia), remain standing, but if he remains seated for a moment, you may also sit.
Profession of Faith and Prayer of the Faithful (Petitions)
The congregation rises when the priest begins the Profession of Faith (Creed). At the line “I believe in the Holy Spirit,” the First Lector approaches and makes the reverence to the altar, then proceeds to the ambo. The General Intercessions are in a plastic sleeve on the shelf of the ambo. The priest will begin the introduction to the petitions. When the introduction ends, begin reading the petitions.
When the petitions are complete and the priest has finished the prayer, proceed to the location directly in front of the altar, make the reverence to the altar, then return to your seat in the congregation.
After Communion – Announcements
After receiving Holy Communion, the First Lector sits in the chair behind the ambo. After Holy Communion and time for sacred silence, the priest and congregation rise for the Prayer After Communion. The First Lector then makes the reverence to the altar while standing by the ambo and reads the announcements. Alternately, if the priest wishes to read the announcements, the First Lector sits in the congregation after Holy Communion. Consult with the priest before Mass begins. After announcements, the priest gives the final blessing and dismissal.
At this time, there are no processions involving lectors or EMs. The priest will reverence the altar and proceed either to the side exit of the church (to meet the people) or to the sacristy.